Nepal Appreciative Inquiry National Network (NAINN)

This is the website of the Nepal Appreciative Inquiry National Network (NAINN), dedicated to promote Local Imagine Initiative Movement for Positive Societal Transformation through Appreciative Inquiry Campaign in Nepal. Our local imagine initiatives, regional networks and other network members are leading in every region of Nepal and every sector of Nepalese society. Please visit it often to read our latest news and invitations and forget not for your valuable suggestion.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Appreciative Inquiry Training for BBS Students

November 21, 2004.  Capital College and Research Center (CCRC) organized fours' Appreciative Inquiry (AI) orientation class for its BBS students from 8 am to 11 am. Buddhi Tamang (Advisor of Nepal Appreciative Inquiry National Network and Chairperson of Imagine Nepal) and Parsuram Timalsina (AI Practitioner) facilitated the AI orientation. In this orientation, introduction and focus of AI and its four Ds were exercised and an individual action plan has developed for immediate action.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Interaction in HBC-FM Radio

November 21, 2004. Author of  " PRASANSANIYA DRISTIKON TATHA NEPALKO PRAGAITI SANGALO (Appreciative Inquiry and Collection of Nepal's Achievement) Buddhi Tamang and Editor Parsuram Timalsina were invited in Himalayan Broadcasting Corporation FM (HBC-FM) Radio Interaction Program in HBC Mitra Program from twelve to one pm, Kathmandu, Nepal. This HBC FM Mitra interactive program is between guest speakers and radio audience. In this program, Buddhi Tamang mentioned about the book in brief. Mr. Tamang and Timalsina explained, how to become appreciative towards her/his life, group, community and society as a whole to transform the present conflict into peace and development. Both the guest speaker clarified the questions of concerns of radio audiences. The speakers mentioned that Appreciative Inquiry focuses as 1) discover the life giving and nurturing forces, 2) protection them, 3) multiply them for expansion. In other work, multiplication of life giving and nurturing force is expansion of peace, unity, common consensus, integrity, harmony, wisdom, compassion, equanimity and lovingkindness. Expansion of these strengths, potentials, and hope are reduction of problem or negative aspects of life or transformation of conflict into peace and development. After the program, many audiences gave feedback to do this kind of program very often. Keeping this in mind, HBC FM Radio programmer asked to become Appreciative Inquiry Guest Speaker again in HBC Mitra program.

Appreciative Inquiry Training for BBS Students

November 21, 2004.  Capital College and Research Center (CCRC) organized fours' Appreciative Inquiry (AI) orientation class for its BBS students from 8 am to 11 am. Buddhi Tamang (Advisor of Nepal Appreciative Inquiry National Network and Chairperson of Imagine Nepal) and Parsuram Timalsina (AI Practitioner) facilitated the AI orientation. In this orientation, introduction and focus of AI and its four Ds were exercised and an individual action plan has developed for immediate action.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

The Times FM Radio Talk

Buddhi Tamang gaive talk about the Natural Resource Management of Tamang in the Tamang Nhan Program, Times FM Radio, Jawalakhel, Kathmandu, Nepal on 11 November 2004. He talked 10 minutes on this issue. He mentioned that the Tamang Community has its own worldview and practices of their life giving forces management. The Community's believe systems, knowledge systems, natural resource management regime etc are environmental friendly in the Tamang Settlement Areas. He emphasized to capture, capitalize and institutionalize the best practices of Tamang People's livelihood management strategies in agro-ecological zones of Tamang areas of Nepal.

Two Day Appreciative Inquiry Refresher Training

Environment Camps for Conservation Awareness (ECCA) organized Two Day Appreciative Inquiry Refresher Training for school teachers and Chairpersons of School Management Committees of Lalitpur District in Bhaktapur from October 30-31, 2004. In this training, Lalitpur District Education Office supported stationary. Gopal Sanjel and Parsuram Timalsina of Imagine Initiative Lalitpur felicitated the training. Total Participants were 22 from 11 Secondary Schools and one Higher Secondary School. The participants were participated four day Appreciative Inquiry training in February 2004. During the training, participants' experiences and changes occurred in their professional and family life. Facilitators shared the AI status in Nepal and principles of AI. Participants developed their Action Plan for Five Month by focusing AI approach in education. 

Three-Day Conflict Transformation through Appreciative Inquiry Training

Rural Institute for Community Devolvement (RICOD) organized three day Conflict Transformation and Management through Appreciative Inquiry Training from 7 to 9 November 2004 in Sipadole, Bhaktapur, Nepal. The training participants were staff members of RICOD, Community Leaders and staff of Environmental Conservation for Community Awareness (ECCA). RICOD is working in South Lalitpur District of Nepal in the area of Community Health. Specifically, it is focusing in Child Nutrition and Youth Development. The purpose of organizing this training was to transform the negative conflict into positive working environment that arises in the community and within organization. At the same time learn knowledge and skill to deal the present political conflict situation for smooth running of the project.  In the training, the participants discussed about the nature and types of conflict. They also discussed about the strengths and successes of RICOD for its protection and multiplication for expansion to transform the conflict into peace and development. For this, all the participants realized that positive mind setting through Appreciative Inquiry is very essential. All the participants prepared their action plan for November 2004 to March 2005 by using Appreciative Inquiry Four Ds (Discovery, Dream, Design and Delivery) to transform the conflict into peace and development. Buddhi Tamang and Parsuram Timalsina facilitated the training.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Five Day Appreciative Inquiry Training

Local Initiatives Support Program (LISP), Helvetas Nepal organized Five Day Appreciative Inquiry Training for its partners in Tansen, Palpa, West Nepal from October 27 to November 2, 2004. Buddhi Tamang and Ram Bdr. Raut facilitated the training. Jitendra Prasad Jaiswal, team leader of LISP chaired the opening session and the Chief District Officer of Palpa District was chief guest in the program. Participants were presented from government institutions, NGOs and Media. Total Participants were most responsible persons in their respective organization and total participants were 32 including five female. During the training, more than 40 sessions were covered and conveyed the introduction, history, theory, and working framework (Four Ds - Discovery, Dream, Design and Delivery) of Appreciative Inquiry. Half day fieldwork was done for Four Ds. In the training so many practical experiences were shared by facilitators and participants. In the closing session, participants expressed their views feeling, experience and usefulness of the training. Madan Pokhara, Shreenagar and Mukti Nath FM Radios, local TV, Jana Chetana (local paper) and National Paper Annapurna Post reported the training.

Appreciative Inquiry Orientation Training


RELEC Nepal an NGO organized one day AI Orientation for its Central Committee Members in Palpa on November 3, 2004. Mr. Ram Bdr. Raut - National Coordinator, Nepal Appreciative Inquiry National Network facilitated the AI Orientation. The total participants were 24 persons including few women. Madan Pokhara F.M. Radio reported this program in news program.

Imagine Initiative Palpa

Appreciative Inquiry Practitioners have formed Imagine Initiative Palpa (IIP) on November 1, 2004. The Imagine Initiative Palpa envisioned for promoting of life giving forces of Palpa and Palpali people through its multiplication. Buddhi Tamang (Advisor Nepal Appreciative Inquiry National Network) and Ram Bdr. Raut (National Coordinator of Nepal Appreciative Inquiry National Network) faciltiated the gathering. AI orientation.  Mr. Kausal Raj Ghimire and Mr. Prem Pageni are selected unanimously as Coordinator and Assistant Coordinator of Executive Committee. Mr. Tikaram Gyawali, Ms. Susila Shrestha,  Mr. Shreekrishna Nepal, Mr. Gunakar Aryal, Mr. Sudarsan Koirala and Mr. Mahendra Panday are selected unanimously as Members of Executive Committee of Imagine Initiative Palpa. At the same time, Advisory Committee also formed by comprising five members. The Advisory Committee Members are Chief District Officer and Assistant Chief District Officer of District Administrative Office Palpa, Local Development Officer of District Development Committee, Dr. Tirtha Regmi and Team Leader of Local Initiative Support Program (a program of helvetas - Swiss development NGO). There are 50 general members including 10 women. The executive committee has convened to register in District Administration Office for it's legal identity. It is also announced to organize Imagine Initiative Palpa Summit in 2005. 

Appreciative Inquiry Media Net, Palpa

One day Appreciative Inquiry (AI) Orientation was given for media people in Palpa on November 2, 2004. Buddhi Tamang (Advisor Nepal Appreciative Inquiry National Network) and Ram Bdr. Raut (National Coordinator of Nepal Appreciative Inquiry National Network) faciltiated the AI orientation. There were 14 representatives from Local and National News Papers, F.M. Redios and Local TV of Palpa represented in the AI orientation. After the AI orientation, Appreciative Inquiry Media Net Palpa (AIMNP) has formed by comprizing Nine members's Executive Committee. In the AIMNP, Mr. Gopal Bashyal and Mr. Satish Chapagain, Kabiraj Nepal, Mr. Madhav Aryal, Mr. Ram Prasad Neupane, Rajesh Aryal, Mr. Bhagawan Bhandari, Ms. Harimaya Pariyar and Mr. Sreerjan Thapa were selected as Coordinator, Assistant Coordinator and others are selected as members. In this meeing, Mr. Ram Bdr. Raut expressed that the media has vital role that is the change agent of people through information flow. AIMNP has also showed commitment to help in surrounding districts to form Appreciative Inquiry Media Net such as Nawal Parasi, Arghakhanchi, Gulmi, Shyanja, Rupandehi and Kapilvastu Districts. This AIMNP will be registered in District Administration Office Palpa to get legal identity. 

AI Message

Mr. Ram Bdr. Raut - National Coordinator, Nepal Appreciative Inquiry National Network is going to facilitate one day Appreciative Inquiry Orientation Training for Imagine Initiative Nawalparasi District. This AI Orientation is going to be held in Nawalparasi District Headquarter in Parasi.

AI Book Review

RAJDHANI Nepali National Daily Paper (in Nepali Language) reviewed of Buddhi Tamang's Appreciative Inquiry and Collection of Successes of Nepal on 6 November 2004 in Book Review column, Kathmandu.  Name, Author, Editor, Publisher and Prize of book in this review. The TITLE of Review is RAMRO SHOCHNA AGRAHA (Think Positively). It says, the book focuses new way of looking the social reality of Nepal. The book has compiled different articles of success stories of past 14 years of Nepal. The paper appreciated the book and suggests to read this book. It has started the positive writing on successes and strengths of Nepal rather than negative aspects. In this book review, the author of this would like to thank the Editor Mr. Kumar Yatru of this National Daily Paper.

Madan Pokhara F.M. Radio Interview

Madan Pokhara F.M. Radio interviewed Mr. Prem Pageni one of the participant of 5-day Appreciative Inquiry Training of Palpa on November 1, 2004. He said that Appreciative Inquiry is Strength Based Development Approach rather than Problem Solving Approach. It starts to work from the point that what gives life. It is also "Appreciative Eye" to look the reality from the positive side and find the life forces, opportunities, possibilities, new ways and knowledge. It gives self-confidence to live and work harder for one's existence with self-dignity in the society and family.  At the end, his message was to raise the awareness of the community on life giving and nurturing forces, opportunities, possibilities and new ways of living rather than problems.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Madan Pokhara F.M. Radio Interview

Madan Pokhara F.M. Radio interviewed Mr. Prem Pageni one of the participant of 5-day Appreciative Inquiry Training of Palpa on November 1, 2004. He said that Appreciative Inquiry is Strength Based Development Approach rather than Problem Solving Approach. It starts to work from the point that what gives life. It is also "Appreciative Eye" to look the reality from the positive side and find the life forces, opportunities, possibilities, new ways and knowledge. It gives self-confidence to live and work harder for one's existence with self-dignity in the society and family.  At the end, his message was to raise the awareness of the community on life giving and nurturing forces, opportunities, possibilities and new ways of living rather than problems.


Mr. Ram Bdr. Raut - National Coordinator, Nepal Appreciative Inquiry National Network is going to facilitate one day Appreciative Inquiry Orientation Training for Imagine Initiative Nawalparasi District. This AI Orientation is going to be held in Nawalparasi District Headquarter in Parasi, Western Terai, Nepal.

Five Day Appreciative Inquiry Training

Local Initiatives Support Program (LISP), Helvetas Nepal organized Five Day Appreciative Inquiry Training for its partners in Tansen, Palpa, West Nepal from October 27 to November 2, 2004. Buddhi Tamang and Ram Bdr. Raut facilitated the training. Jitendra Prasad Jaiswal, team leader of LISP chaired the opening session and the Chief District Officer of Palpa District was chief guest in the program. Participants were presented from government institutions, NGOs and Media. Total Participants were most responsible persons in their respective organization and total participants were 32 including five female. During the training, more than 40 sessions were covered and conveyed the introduction, history, theory, and working framework (Four Ds - Discovery, Dream, Design and Delivery) of Appreciative Inquiry. Half day fieldwork was done for Four Ds. In the training so many practical experiences were shared by facilitators and participants. In the closing session, participants expressed their views feeling, experience and usefulness of the training. Madan Pokhara, Shreenagar and Mukti Nath FM Radios, local TV, Jana Chetana (local paper) and National Paper Annapurna Post reported the training.

Appreciative Inquiry Media Net, Palpa

One day Appreciative Inquiry (AI) Orientation was given for media people in Palpa on November 2, 2004. Buddhi Tamang (Advisor Nepal Appreciative Inquiry National Network) and Ram Bdr. Raut (National Coordinator of Nepal Appreciative Inquiry National Network) faciltiated the AI orientation. There were 14 representatives from Local and National News Papers, F.M. Redios and Local TV of Palpa represented in the AI orientation. After the AI orientation, Appreciative Inquiry Media Net Palpa (AIMNP) has formed by comprizing Nine members's Executive Committee. In the AIMNP, Mr. Gopal Bashyal and Mr. Satish Chapagain, Kabiraj Nepal, Mr. Madhav Aryal, Mr. Ram Prasad Neupane, Rajesh Aryal, Mr. Bhagawan Bhandari, Ms. Harimaya Pariyar and Mr. Sreerjan Thapa were selected as Coordinator, Assistant Coordinator and others are selected as members. In this meeing, Mr. Ram Bdr. Raut expressed that the media has vital role that is the change agent of people through information flow. AIMNP has also showed commitment to help in surrounding districts to form Appreciative Inquiry Media Net such as Nawal Parasi, Arghakhanchi, Gulmi, Shyanja, Rupandehi and Kapilvastu Districts. This AIMNP will be registered in District Administration Office Palpa to get legal identity. 

Imagine Initiative Palpa

Appreciative Inquiry Practitioners have formed Imagine Initiative Palpa (IIP) on November 1, 2004. The Imagine Initiative Palpa envisioned for promoting of life giving forces of Palpa and Palpali people through its multiplication. Buddhi Tamang (Advisor Nepal Appreciative Inquiry National Network) and Ram Bdr. Raut (National Coordinator of Nepal Appreciative Inquiry National Network) faciltiated the gathering. AI orientation.  Mr. Kausal Raj Ghimire and Mr. Prem Pageni are selected unanimously as Coordinator and Assistant Coordinator of Executive Committee. Mr. Tikaram Gyawali, Ms. Susila Shrestha,  Mr. Shreekrishna Nepal, Mr. Gunakar Aryal, Mr. Sudarsan Koirala and Mr. Mahendra Panday are selected unanimously as Members of Executive Committee of Imagine Initiative Palpa. At the same time, Advisory Committee also formed by comprising five members. The Advisory Committee Members are Chief District Officer and Assistant Chief District Officer of District Administrative Office Palpa, Local Development Officer of District Development Committee, Dr. Tirtha Regmi and Team Leader of Local Initiative Support Program (a program of helvetas - Swiss development NGO). There are 50 general members including 10 women. The executive committee has convened to register in District Administration Office for it's legal identity. It is also announced to organize Imagine Initiative Palpa Summit in 2005. 

Appreciative Inquiry Orientation Training

RELEC Nepal an NGO organized one day AI Orientation for its Central Committee Members in Palpa on November 3, 2004. Mr. Ram Bdr. Raut - National Coordinator, Nepal Appreciative Inquiry National Network facilitated the AI Orientation. The total participants were 24 persons including few women. Madan Pokhara F.M. Radio reported this program in news program.

AI Talk in FM Radio

Buddhi Tamang, Advisor of Nepal Appreciative Inquiry National Network spoke in Times FM Radio in Jawalakhel, Kathmandu. He gave an analytical talk about the Successes achieved in past 14-years of Tamang People of Nepal from the Appreciative Inquiry perspective. The achieved successes were Education, Publication in Tamang language, and Awareness in Tamang cultural identity and diversification of livelihood strategy. His message to Tamang community is to protect and multiply this achievement. In brief, expansion of life giving forces is reduction of life killing force.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Two Day Appreciative Inquiry Refresher Training

Environment Camps for Conservation Awareness (ECCA) organized Two Day Appreciative Inquiry Refresher Training for school teachers and Chairpersons of School Management Committees of Lalitpur District in Bhaktapur from October 30-31, 2004. In this training, Lalitpur District Education Office supported stationary. Gopal Sanjel and Parsuram Timalsina of Imagine Initiative Lalitpur felicitated the training. Total Participants were 22 from 11 Secondary Schools and one Higher Secondary School. The participants were participated four day Appreciative Inquiry training in February 2004. During the training, participants' experiences and changes occurred in their professional and family life. Facilitators shared the AI status in Nepal and principles of AI. Participants developed their Action Plan for Five Month by focusing AI approach in education.