Nepal Appreciative Inquiry National Network (NAINN)

This is the website of the Nepal Appreciative Inquiry National Network (NAINN), dedicated to promote Local Imagine Initiative Movement for Positive Societal Transformation through Appreciative Inquiry Campaign in Nepal. Our local imagine initiatives, regional networks and other network members are leading in every region of Nepal and every sector of Nepalese society. Please visit it often to read our latest news and invitations and forget not for your valuable suggestion.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Book Publication

<b>Book on Sale</b>

It is my pleasure to inform you about the publication of book and its name is "PRASANSANIYA DRISTIKON TATHA NEPALKO PRAGATI SANGALO" (Appreciative Inquiry and Nepal's Achievements) : SAKARATMAK SAMAJIK RUPANTARANKO LAGI SAMUHIK PARIKALPANA PAHAN (Imagine Initiative Movement for Positive Societal Transformation) in Nepali. This book is useful for individual, family, groups, organizations (GOs, I/NGOs, Cooperatives and Private sectors), professors/ teachers, administrative staffs, students, business people and society as whole. Specifically, it is useful for guardians for their children to raise and cater the children positively, which build self-confidence. It is also useful for development professionals, researchers, policy makers and planners. In summary, it is very useful for every person as expressed by readers. If you love yourself own, children, family, friends, relatives, colleagues and your profession, please order this book. 

  1. This book is useful for identification of life giving and nurturing forces and multiplication and protection to reduce the negative and problems.
  2. Perceive the children positively through eye to respect the contribution made by family members, colleagues/friends and to search the reasons of past successes and multiply them to envision of bright future.
  3. We have trend of talking of negative and problems in front of children that we learnt from political and non-political forums, media, development training, workshop, seminars and forums. This practice trained our children same as like us to talk about the negative aspects such as leg pulling, back biting, hassling, complain etc. of political parties, government, leaders and individuals. It creates rebels from every household negatively. In this context, this book helps to create positive and creative environment for anticipated future. 


Author of this book: Buddhi Tamang

Publication Date: September 2004

Publisher: Nepal Appreciative Inquiry National Network

Price: NRs. 100.00 only


To purchase, please contact to:

Ghanashyam Khatiwada, Manju Adhikari and Buddhilal Chaudhari

NGO Federation,

P.O.Box: 7768

Kathmandu, Nepal

Tel: 01-4781212



Ram Bdr. Raut

National Coordinator

Nepal Appreciative Inquiry National Network

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