Nepal Appreciative Inquiry National Network (NAINN)

This is the website of the Nepal Appreciative Inquiry National Network (NAINN), dedicated to promote Local Imagine Initiative Movement for Positive Societal Transformation through Appreciative Inquiry Campaign in Nepal. Our local imagine initiatives, regional networks and other network members are leading in every region of Nepal and every sector of Nepalese society. Please visit it often to read our latest news and invitations and forget not for your valuable suggestion.

Monday, August 15, 2005


Nepal Appreciative Inquiry National Network
Second National Summit of Imagine Initiatives of Nepal
September 6-8, 2005

We are pleased to announce a three-day National Summit of Imagine Initiatives of Nepal from 6-8 September,2005 at Kharipati, Bhaktapur. Nepal Appreciative Inquiry National Network (NAINN) has been facilitating to form Imagine Initiatives throughout Nepal. Every year NAINN organizes the summit of the Imagine Initiatives of Nepal in order to spread Appreciative Inquiry, to run the positive Societal Transformation Campaign and for the Piece Building Process. We, NAINN, hereby Invite all the Regional Networks, Imagine Initiatives, AI practitioners, AI lovers, well wishers and supporters from within and outside Nepal. Let us start ourselves to transform our country into a country of peace and positive mind.

Sunday, August 14, 2005


Nepal Appreciative Inquiry National Network
Second National Summit of Imagine Initiatives of Nepal
September 6-8, 2005

"Imagine Initiative Movement for Positive Societal Transformation through Appreciative Inquiry Campaign "


Imagine Initiatives and Appreciative Inquiry Networks are movements for positive societal transformation through creating common vision and action. In fact, it is the movement of hope, joy, possibility, connection, creativity, generosity, resourcefulness, life and learning. Every individual, community, society and organization has both positive and negative aspects. We believe that the positive aspects are the life giving and nurturing forces, which make it possible to live, grow, and attain harmony. Conversely, the negative aspect leads the individual and society towards dissatisfaction, unfulfillment, scarcity, conflict and chaos. Development and business performances undertaken by using the first approach have outstripped the ones employed by the second approach. It means, if we follow the first approach that is "More gain - Less or zero Pain" and if we follow the second approach that is "More pain - Less or zero Gain". Societal transformation is faster with the application of an Appreciative Inquiry (AI) approach than with other approaches. What is the magic of this approach? How does it happen? How is it used? These are the questions the Summit intends to seek the answers for.

AI starts and grows with positive logic. It starts with positive thinking and moves through positive inquiry, positive response, positive action and positive change. This interdependent logical sequence of thought, inquiry, response, action and change creates synergy to increase the life giving and nurturing forces of a living system. In this context, AI emphasizes the importance of the cultural context of development by incorporating local wisdom, cultural values, norms, and practices of contemporary development discourse.

Keeping this in mind, AI practitioners formed the Nepal AI National Network (NAINN) in January 2004. NAINN is a vibrant network of five regional AI Networks (east, central, west, mid-west and far west) and local imagine initiatives at the district level. NAINN is facilitating the five regional AI networks as well as district level local imagine initiatives. Five regional networks are facilitating and helping to coordinate district imagine initiatives in the grassroots. The motives of these local imagine initiatives and AI networks are to yield positive change in Initiative Movement to build momentum. The SNSIIN will be held through participatory and appreciative methods so that we can connect personal passion with direct responsibility in order to maximize everyone's learning and contribution.

"Imagination is the most important resource of human life"
– David L. Cooperrider


The major objectives of SNSIIN are to sensitize and reconnect the peace-building efforts made by representatives in various districts thus far and to develop a nurturing plan to strengthen the already initiated positive societal transformation process. Specific objectives of the SNSIIN are:

DISCOVERY - discover the past successes, present best practices and life-giving and nurturing forces of NAINN and Nepal. Also, discover the best opportunities to grow NAINN and to create an even better Nepal. It is like bird's EYE view, gliding in the sky and peering down to the ground living reality.

DREAM – imagine results/achievements of AI Network for nurturing the new Nepal. It is like looking towards the sky from the ground and seeing the present life giving and nurturing forces and best practices of organization and community are growing bigger and better within the specific time frame.

DESIGN – co-construct the system plan to materialize the shared DREAM of the Districts, Development regions and National as big as imagined. It is the crafting of ideas, ways, techniques, and strategies by peering down the ground living reality.

DELIVERY – develop a key program and commitment for meaningful action. It is acting and doing with body, speech and mind by multiplying present life-giving and nurturing forces for better being of Nepal.


The three-day program will consist of Discovery, Dream, Design, and Delivery. Appreciative Inquiry will be the basic concept for this SNSIIN. The group work, floor discussion, presentation, and brainstorming will also be a part of the learning tool. Participants will be encouraged to meditate for reflection and self-realization. The format allows concepts and issues to be discussed within a practical and day-to-day working context. It also allows participants to share practical experiences from different Imagine Initiatives, AI networks and other respective network organizations.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" – Albert Einstein


The three-day SNSIIN is designed to multiply the present quantitative and qualitative strengths and capabilities of the district Imagine Initiatives and the regional and national AI networks of Nepal. Similarly, other participatory development professionals of network organizations will be invited to participate in the SNSIIN. Staff members whose contribution is deemed to be vital for the improvement of the organization can participate in the program irrespective of their rank, designation, or status in the organization.

The three-day summit program is as follows:
Day One (Six September)

Inauguration of Summit:
Inauguration (Participatory)
Reporting of Achievements of NAINN
Successes of Regional AI Networks
Successes of Imagine Initiatives
Sharing of Successes: Imagine Initiatives, Individual

Day Two (Seven September)

Orientation on AI around the world - Daniel Cooperrider & Amit Kovoor
Development of AI in Nepal - Buddhi Tamang
Finding of AI Application on the society
Getting a common agreement on the implementation of AI for societal transformation in Nepal.
5 year Planning of NAINN

Day Three (Eight September)

Program for the next year
Discussion on Declaration
Closing Ceremony
Welcoming Prof.David Cooperrider and other guests (Media, Politicial Parties, Planning commission, AI related organizations and many other change agents)
Formal Program

Day one (6th Sep. 2005)

Discover (explore) the life giving and nurturing forces of each development region, district, network organizations and ethnic groups of Nepal. For instance, natural resources (agriculture, forestry, water etc), best practices, physical infrastructures, past success stories, policies of government, education, health, trade and production, social and cultural unity and harmony and institutions (government, business, ethnic, civil society) etc through the sharing of success stories.

Day two (7th Sep. 2005)

Accumulate the idea about how AI is practiced around the world. And get further more knowledge on AI. Recall the Discovery and practice Dream - village, districts and five development regions and national imagine initiatives and human resources. Recall the Dream (imagine initiatives) and Design a systemic plan to achieve the dreamed goals. Move into Delivery /Destiny – developing action plans to materialize the designed system plan.

Day three (8th Sep. 2005)
Finalize the plan and prepare the immediate program for the next year. Declaration and Celebration of the Summit.

For more information please contact to:
Ram Bahadur Raut, National Chairperson, NAINN
Tel: 075- 520973 (Res), 075-521636 (Off.)

Parashuram Timalsina, General Secretary, NAINN
Tel: 01- 4272511,01-4272725 (off) 01- 5572427 (Res)

Ghanshyam Khatiwada, vice -Chairperson, NAINN
% NGO Federation, Kathmandu, Nepal
Telephone: 01-4781212

Pradeep Puri, EC Member, NAINN; Co-ordinator, Nepal Appreciative Inquiry Eastern Network,Jhapa
Tel: 023-541198 (off), 023-542783 (Res)

Ram Rimal, EC Member, NAINN, Ilam

Pankajnath Singh, EC Member, NAINN, Morang
Tel: 021-527941 (Off), 021-533424 (Res)

Tej Vikram Shah,EC Member, NAINN, Banke
Phone:081-526792 (off)

Mohan Bhatta,EC Member, NAINN, Dhangadhi
Phone:091-521752 (Res), 091-523192 (off)

Buddhi Tamang, National Advisor, NAINN, Kathmandu
Telephone: 01-5538550

P.O.Box: 23734